Important message for parents & carers entitled to free school meals:
During these challenging times, we want to ensure that pupils eligible for free school meals can continue to access support if they are not in school.
This morning I received confirmation from the DfE that parents whose children receive free school meals will now receive weekly food vouchers to enable them to buy lunch for their children, if they are not in school. The value of the voucher is £15 per child, per week.
How does it work?
The government website, Compliments Select, enables us to issue an ‘eCode’ by email to eligible families (a 16-digit number with a value attached). Parents or adults with caring responsibilities for the eligible child can then go online to redeem the eCode against a choice of eGift cards (a digital gift card delivered via email) which currently includes the following food retailers:
• Morrisons
• Tesco
• Sainsbury’s
• Asda
• Waitrose
• M&S food
We are sending the parent email details through to the website today and anticipate you receiving your eCode by email this week.
We understand from other schools that in some cases it has taken a few days before parents have received the email. We will continue to provide packed lunches next week until all our families have received their eCodes. If you do not have access to email please contact school and we will continue to provide packed unches until the school reopens
Kind regards
Mrs Moran