

A Vision for English

English plays an important role in both education and in society as a whole. In order to
participate fully as a member of society, all the skills of language are essential. Therefore, at
Lidget Green, we believe our pupils should be given every opportunity possible to develop
their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills so that they may cultivate the tools
necessary for a happy and successful life.
We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are able to read and write with confidence,
fluency, understanding and enjoyment and are successful in transferring knowledge, ideas
and skills between subjects. By promoting high standards of literacy, our aim is to equip our
learners with a strong command of the written and spoken word, thus enabling them to use
Standard English correctly to express themselves imaginatively and clearly.
We develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. By
encouraging our pupils to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage we aim to support
their literacy development beyond their primary school career.

Click Here  for our English Policy Document

Click Here for our Handwriting Policy

Click Here for our Writing Policy

Click Here for our Reading Policy


We teach children to read by following the Little Wandle phonics approach. Children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 all have daily phonics and early reading lessons.

Please click on here to read our LGPS Phonics and Early Reading Policy

Click on the icon to go to the Little Wandle website. There are a number of supporting resources that you can use at home with your child.








To find out more about your child’s English curriculum, please check the long term plan on the main ‘Learning‘ page of this website.