At Lidget Green, we are an inclusive school. We pride ourselves on offering and catering for the needs of all pupils to achieve their full potential, academically, personally, socially and emotionally across all areas of the curriculum and in preparation for their future.
Children may have a special educational need which requires additional support for their learning. They may have a specific physical or learning need which requires adapted support or additional provision to be made. We use the Bradford guidance: the Graduated Approach, implementing the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle.
If you are concerned about the progress your child is making or if you think you child has additional needs, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. You can also make an appointment to speak to the SENCO, Ms Yaqub to discuss your child if you have any further concerns. Please Contact the office on 01274 579576 to make an appointment or alternatively you can email school at:
Click here for the SEND Information Report
Click here for the Family action information
Click here for the Bradford Local Offer
People with disabilities face challenges everyday. Watch the clip below to gain some insight into how we can help:
SENDIASS support is available to all parents of children with additional needs.
The clip below explains how they can help in Urdu and in English.