At Lidget Green Primary School, we believe that mathematics is a fundamental part of the language we use to make sense of the world around us. We want to teach our children that mathematics empowers them so they can function in the numerate world and use their mathematical skills to enhance their experience and solve problems.
Our concrete, pictorial and abstract development approach to the subject will encourage and enable a mastery-level of understanding, which means the pupils here at Lidget Green will acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject, which will be the foundation for future learning.
Our aim is to promote the love of learning maths by providing a range of exciting opportunities for developing important intellectual skills in problem solving, deductive and inductive reasoning, creative thinking and communication.
Please take a look at our Mathematics policy which outlines our school’s aims, implementation and assessment of mathematics.
Click here for our Mathematics Policy
When planning for mathematics, all class teachers will focus on the curriculum objectives in their year groups in order to consolidate learning, to develop the children with fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics, begin reasoning mathematically and to solve problems.
Year Group Objectives: Year 1; Year 2; Year 3; Year 4: Year 5; Year 6
At Lidget Green Primary, we want all of our students to be able to recall times table facts with accuracy and speed. We use the TT Rock Stars app to support our children to develop these skills. This app can be used at school and at home.
In preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4, a parents meeting is carried out in the Spring term explaining that the check is designed to identify pupils who need support and that it is not used as a diagnostic tool to assess the times tables children struggle with.
For further information, please refer to the parent guide below:
Multiplication tables check guidance for parents