At Lidget Green, we believe that learning should be an adventure and try to ensure that each day brings new experiences and new opportunities for all our children.
We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that will stimulate and motivate while ensuring our children have the skills they will need for an ever-changing world. We have a strong emphasis on developing language, literacy and maths skills while presenting the programmes of study of the National Curriculum in creative ways that are relevant to our children. We teach Dialogic Talk strategies to develop children’s speaking and listening skills, to increase their confidence when talking in a group and to develop their vocabulary.
You can find out more details of our curriculum by clicking on the links below:
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Please click on the links below to access the long term curriculum plans for your child’s year group. These long term plans cover the following subject areas: Science, Art, Design & Technology, History and Geography. The subjects are taught with a thematic approach and include a range of experiences for the children to inspire their learning.
Please click on the links below to access the long term curriculum plans for the other curriculum areas taught in school.
English – Reading Long Term Plan
English – Writing Long Term Plan
Religious Education Long Term Plan
We teach phonics using Little Wandle which is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme (SSP). Phonics is taught daily; children learn that the letters of the alphabet represent sounds and that these are put together to make words. The children learn to recognise the different graphemes (letters and letter combinations) that they will see when they are reading or writing.
Phonics teaching starts as soon as the children start in Reception and follows a specific sequence that allows children to build on their previous phonic knowledge and master specific phonic strategies. In school, children will read books that match this learning sequence to develop their skills and build their confidence. As the children fully master the use of phonics, they are able to choose from a wide range of books that match their stage of reading development. We also subscribe to ‘Reading Eggs’ and ‘Reading Plus’ which are reading websites that children can use at home and at school.
To find out more about Little Wandle, you can click here to visit their website.
Personal, Social & Health Education (P.S.H.E.)
We teacher PSHE through an NHS-backed programme called ‘My Happy Mind’. Please click here for more information on this programme.